Un revista-laboratorio dedicá na poesía, proza, ciencia, arte, música, historia, política na papiamentu
El amor, madre, a la patria
No es el amor ridículo a la tierra
Ni a la hierba que pisan nuestras plantas.
Es el odio invencible a quien la oprime.
Es el rencor eterno a quien la ataca.

Jose Martí


Tao di Scirbimentu (17. E Estilo Oblicuo y Curvá)

Subiendo cérunan di Taihán,
ruta di carné ta bai-bin den vegetashón
nubia scur ta flui manera jade,
y oló di flor ta perdurá.

Actua solamente si tempu ta hechu,
manera melodía di un flùit tibetano.
Ora parce qu e ta paga, e ta bolbe regresá.
Tá dificil hañé, ma scondí e n’ tá.

Patronchi di awa ta bira y bira
manera para di orcán[1] ta bira bai-bin,
Tao no tá limitá pa forma.
Tin be e tá rondó, tin be cuadrá.

Zikong Tu

© 2007 Papiamentu Bibu

[1] Channel-billed Cuckoo: This large cuckoo breeds here in summer by laying its eggs in other bird’s nests, such as Currawongs or Crows. They migrate from New Guinea to breed here. The first storms of the wet season seem to prompt them to emit a loud raucous call...a habit which has earned them the name ‘storm-bird’. These birds eat figs and sometimes gather on the fig trees in small feeding parties when they have finished breeding.

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